Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Let The Love Of Allah Remain In The Heart

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and Most Powerful that holds the souls of His servants.
And to Him we put our heart and lives.

Do believe that Allah will giving us the best. He created us and all temptations, tests from His actually to strengthen our heart and iman.

Be strong dear Heart!! Allah is always be with you..

Let The Love Of Allah Remain In The Heart <3

Monday, December 19, 2011

Nota: Belajar Dari Lebah

Assalamualaykum semua^^...Hava a bless day insha-Allah

Alhamdulillah, pagi ni saya ada mengemas fail peribadi saya yang mengandungi surat-surat, karya kreatif dan kata-kata daripada sahabat-sahabat tersayang.. Helaian demi helaian diselak.. sebak ...itulah perasaan yang hadir.

'Permata 16'
Itulah seungkap nama yang sangat saya rindu..Dan perasaan itu bersarang di jiwa untuk sekian lamanya..

Namun, mata saya tertancap pada sekeping helaian biasa yang ditulis tangan.. Warkah daripada "Auni Syadiyah"..

"Seorang muslim itu adalah ibarat lebah. Apabila ia makan, ia makan barang yang baik.. dan apabila ia mengeluarkan sesuatu daripada badannya, yang dikeluarkannya itupun barang yang baik..berupa madu yang manis dan segar. Malah menjadi ubat kepada manusia. Dan apabila ia hinggap sekalipun di sebuah ranting yang lapuk, maka tempat ia hinggap itu sedikit pun tidak rosak lantarannya"

Allah ada berfirman dalam surah An-Nahl[49]
" Dan segala apa yang ada di langit dan apa yang ada di bumi hanya bersujud kepada Allah iaitu semua makhluk bergerak (bernyawa) dan juga para malaikat, dan mereka (malaikat) tidak menyombongkan diri'.

Inilah hakikat kesemua makhluk yang diciptakan oleh Allah.. Akan tetapi, bagaimana pula dengan kita manusia? Sering lupa, alpa dengan hakikat penciptaan kita yakni beriman kepada Allah.
Moga hentian ini membuatkan kita tersedar bahawa kita adalah hamba kepada Allah dan kepada Dialah kita menghambakan diri..
"Berfikir dan merenung"


Jzk khair kpd 'semua'.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Bismillahirrohmanirrohim..Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Pengasih..Yang memegang jiwa hamba-hambaNya..

Baru-baru ni, saya didatangi perasaan yang jarang saya rasa selama ni. Agak lama perasaan ni menyepi dari hati dan jiwa saya. Sungguh tenang diri saya bila perasaan ini hadir.


"Ala bidzikrillahi tatma'innal qulub": 'Dan ingatlah! Dengan mengingati Allah jiwa akan menjadi tenang'

Tenang yang bagaimana?
Bahagia yang seperti apa?
Sangat susah nak menterjemahkan perasaan kepada bait-bait perkataan..

Moga Allah sentiasa mengasihi kita..Sentiasa menghantar perasaan 'bahagia' ini kepada kita..

Friday, December 16, 2011

K.M.K.+K.A.S.e.H = R.E.A.K.T.i.F

Alhamdulillah..Praise to Allah 4 giving us another chance to live on His earth.
There is nothing we have to do unless be grateful of His giving [ni'mah]
and always compliance with His command.. Insha Allah

Actually, based on the title...I want to share something special that happen in my life a few weeks ago. People said a picture told us thousand stories. There's no words to explain the feelings.. So , enjoy^^

Peserta KMK Perlis 2011..sporting belaka:)

Adik2 peserta puteri KMK..ceria sokmo=)

Adik-adik KASeH..sempoi+comel^^

KASeH KASeH..Ye Kak Mira..**

"Innamal mu'minuna Ikhwah.." [ The believers are but a single brotherhood..]

Alhamdulillah.. everything was going well. Mission accomplished but we dont know the impacts to them.. May Allah help us. Missing them very much!!
Oh Allah..keep our this islamic friendship to Jannah..
Bestow us wit Your bless..Ameen..

So, to YOU!!!
  • KMK PERLIS 2011
  • KASeH 2011
  • PEMIKIR 2011
  • RIMBA 2011
let come meet us at

Reunion Of Alumni KMK Towards Islamic Friendship


8.00-9.00 - pendaftaran
9.00 - taklimat, ice breaking, team building
10.00 - halaqah tazkirah - islam dari sudut akidah
10.30 - kudapan
11.00 - pertandingan memasak dan menghias masakan
12.45 - makan tengah hari
1.20 - solat zuhur
2.00 - halaqah tazkirah - islam dari sudut ibadah dan akhlak
2.30 - ukhuwwah explorace
4.00 - solat, majlis penutup
5.30 - bersurai.

Dont forget to register to:

Cikgu Ghazali Saad: 012-5126546
Ustazah Nawal Abd Kadir: 0132042469

See ya Insha-Allah.. we are waiting 4 u our lil brothers n sisters in Islam..=)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Heartstorm: What is inside?

In the name of Allah,the most Powerful and Merciful..

Sharing is caring..Caring is loving. I love u coz u're my brotherhood n sisterhood in Islam..
oo Allah..make me strong..I'm moving.

"Education system today fails to produce 2 group of people. Firstly, a group that those people conscientiously in Solah, and secondly is a group of people which they cried when making sins."
[Abu Hassan Ali Annadwi]

This is the reality. There too much of people that are making sins and feel unsensitive with sin of what they're doing. For example: out together between men and women. Leaving the Solah. Approach the things that Allah forbid and leave what Allah had commanded.

These are the effects of the today's education system when they didn't put the values of Islam in their life. Its keep away people from Allah.

The point is here.
How about us?
Are we trying to get closer to Allah in our life?
or we just leave Allah behind?
When He gave us 'ni'mah', happiness, pleasures, excellences.. what is the first word out of our mouth? who is the first we recall? Parents? Husband? wife? friends?.

Are we trying to feel Him in every second in our life?. Feel Him always watching us and knowing what is inside of our heart?.
come on..lets us check it out.

'When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed Close (to them)....." 2:186

Well, Insha-Allah.These are from me to you. Infact, these all from Allah s.w.t. He giving me chance to recall what i have..Alhamdulillah
May you get something even little than nothing..^^

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Keep Moving..

Assalamualaykum to all brothers and sisters. May you all always in peace and harmony in deen.

Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah 4 giving me chances to making something new in my life. Something that i ever wonder to do. And from all of inspiration and motivation from my lovely friends.. I know that have to wake up and move.

It doesn't mean i'm sleeping already, but i must wake up my self from inside. That i could not stay in 'safe zone'. Always feels comfort and didn't work to achieve what i'd target year ago.
I must move!

Alhamdulillah, with the new Hijra, Allah had given me a new inspiration. I must change my self. From bad to good. From good to very good. From very good to the very very best. Insha-Allah.

How about you?
Just asking..
Coz people are waiting 4us. (if u realise). They need us. And we have to make big preparation to facing them. Knowledge in deen, knowledge in current issues. What is going on around us. The countries. Islamic countries. We have to know.

Coz we are MUSLIMS. And we have to do something to our deen. Allah will help us. Insha-Allah.

P/S: i dont know why i make my new post in english. Sorry 4 my broken english. I'm learning^^. And Inshaallah i'll trying to fix from time to time. I proud to be me^^ coz i'd done a thing that i afraid to do..[Writing in english].. Alhamdulillah, He gave me the strength.

Keep on to do the best Khaulah!!^^